Writer’s block is a content marketer’s worst enemy. But it happens and when it does, you have a problem. Consistent content production is the fuel to a successful content marketing machine. The only way to maintain consumer engagement is to feed readers a steady stream of relevant, quality content. This is no easy task, especially in the age of the millisecond attention span. So how do you consistently crank out interesting, topical content that will grab consumer’s attention? The cure to the dreaded writer’s block is having multiple sources of inspiration at your fingertips. This personal collection of idea generators will stir killer content creativity just when you need it most.

Below are our favorite sources of content marketing inspiration. They are excellent web resources that will clue you into the trending topics people are talking about. With these arsenal of inspiration resources, you’ll never be short on ideas again. Take a look and get inspired!

6 Inspirational Resources for Content Marketers

1. News Feeds. Subscribe to blogs that inspire you and peruse the feeds daily. Rather than just surfing the web, this is way to have interesting information—ripe with potential content ideas—delivered to you daily, suggests Pawan Deshpande of the Content Marketing Institute.

2. Reddit. Believe it or not, this familiar content sharing website could be a content marketer’s best friend. While not exactly an authoritative news source, reddit gives you insights into what people are talking about and sub-reddits reveal what’s trending in specific communities. This information is invaluable to a content marketer seeking to deliver relevant information to target populations.

3. Bottlenose. Want to know the “buzz?” Bottlenose, a social media dashboard, is the best tool to discover trending topics. It’s Sonar feature displays trending topics in an interactive way for an instant visual of what people are talking about. Simply pull up Bottlenose and say goodbye to writer’s block.

4. Fre.sh. Powered by Buzzfeed, Fre.sh displays top headlines on one page in one go-to list. The fastest rising headlines rank highest while the bolded stories are those getting the most traffic. It’s an intuitive indicator of the most important stories as they happen.

5. Alltop. Alltop serves as a more selective and efficient search engine. The site filters through the best sites and blogs, collects the top headlines, and categorizes them into topics. It’s the fastest way to answer, “What’s happening,” and the fastest way to cure your writer’s block

6. Zite. Think of Zite as your own personal magazine. This handy app delivers customized  news stories to your mobile device based on your personal interests. So not only do you get the most important news of the day, but the news that is most relevant to you.

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