Boston is chockfull of talented students and professionals alike, which is great… as long as you’re not looking for a job. But not all opportunities are created equal, and some occupations are more scarce than others. Lucky for Boston-area marketers, the future of marketing is bright in our beloved Hub of the marketing Universe. Forbes teamed up with online job search engine Indeed to compile a list of the 10 Best Cities for Marketing Jobs Right Now, and Boston made the cut.

So how exactly did the Hub rank? Boston came in sixth place, with a total of 631 listings for marketing jobs. The most popular jobs available were for the following positions:

  • Product Marketing Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Marketing Assistant
  • Marketing Coordinator
  • Marketing Specialist

The other 9 cities were:

  • #1: New York, NY
  • #2: Oakland, CA
  • #3: San Jose, CA
  • #4: San Francisco, CA
  • #5: Long Beach, CA
  • #7: Los Angeles, CA
  • #8: Chicago, IL
  • #9: Washington, DC
  • #10: Seattle, WA

According to the article, the overall hiring environment is still slow, but the opportunities are out there, especially for marketers. Mike Steinerd, director of recruiting at Indeed, said: “In an effort to handle the dynamic and static nature of today’s marketing demands, companies look for professionals with both interactive and traditional marketing skills.”

So stick around, marketers, and brush up on your skills while you’re at it. Opportunity awaits.