With Apple [NASDAQ: AAPL] releasing its Q3 earnings report today, it could see a bump in stock as a new report pegs Apple’s iOS as the best advertising platform for impressions and revenue. Opera Media Works, itself a mobile advertising platform, released a report this afternoon depicting how Apple’s flagship mobile operating system owns a dominating stranglehold on mobile ads.

Alluding to the widespread popularity of Apple’s mobile devices, approximately “44% of all ad impressions and almost half of all revenue” are from iOS devices, per Opera Media Works. It’s important to note that mobile platforms include both smartphones and tablets and when the two are broken down separately, it’s a very different story.

When pitting just smartphones up against each other, “iOS and Android the two OS are in a virtual tie for share of ad impressions, with just over 30% each. Late last year, Android inched ahead of iPhone with a slight lead (31% vs. 29%), but iPhone has been inching back and, within one percentage point ever since.”

These stats seem to coincide accurately with market share as well. Though the Opera Media Works report fails to differentiate as to whether their data is strictly based on U.S. market numbers or worldwide, Android-run devices have a dominating 70% stranglehold on the European smartphone market. Compare that to iOS’s 17.8%.

In the same respect, it’s a vastly different story across the pond. On U.S. soil, Android gadgets still own the majority of the market but the race is much tighter with the mobile operating system by Google’s devices boasting a 52% share compared to iOS’s 41.9%.

While Android might have its platform spread over a higher number of devices, Apple advertisers are still more successful when implementing campaigns on iOS. “The iPhone still triumphs in terms of monetization with 36.4% of revenue vs. Android’s 27.8%.”

Whether this boasts well for Apple’s Q3 earnings to be released this afternoon is still up in the air, but at the moment analysts are predicting mediocre to underwhelming results.

[Graphic via Opera Media Works]