Capping off a busy week of travel, President Obama will speak at the Iftar dinner being held at the White House to participate in celebrating Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting. Held annually since the Clinton administration, the dinner is a recognition of the evening meal when Muslims break their fast as a community.

Watch President Obama Speak at White House Iftar Dinner here at 8:45pm ET:

As mentioned, President Clinton began the tradition of hosting an annual Iftar dinner in 1996 that was continued through President Bush’s administration. However, the practice of a communal Iftar meal by a U.S. President can be traced back to Thomas Jefferson in 1805 when the holiday was celebrated in December.

On 9 December 1805, President Thomas Jefferson deferred dinner at the White House until sunset to accommodate Sidi Soliman Mellimelli, an envoy from Tunis, during negotiations related to the First Barbary War.

This will be President Obama’s fifth time hosting an Iftar dinner at the White House. If anything else, the recognition and celebration of the Islamic holiday reinforces the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which concisely protects the right to freedom of religions, a foundational sentiment for Americans nationwide.

Tonight’s dinner calls it a day for the president after meeting with President Truong Tan Sang of Vietnam to discuss “how to further strengthen our partnership on regional strategic issues and enhance our cooperation” with nations in Southeast Asia, says the White House schedule via USA Today.

The President was also in Florida today where he toured the Jacksonville Port Authority and and delivered a speech to “lay out his vision for rebuilding an economy that puts the middle class and those fighting to join it front and center,” a campaign he similarly outlined in Illinois and Missouri yesterday while touring the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg Knox College in Galesburg, respectively.