Though LG has already shed light on its flagship G2’s release date and specs, many weren’t suspecting another release by LG Electronics. It was announced late last night that LG would be releasing a QuickWindow case to accompany its next-generation G2 smartphone.

QuickWindow, as noted by Engadget, takes some cues from a similar smartphone case by Samsung. The aptly named QuickWindow essentially covers the entire handset except for a small window on the front that displays only a cropped version of the screen.

The press release notes that “With only a light swipe of a finger, the QuickWindow UX will appear in the window which users can view while on the go. Information that can be viewed through the QuickWindow cover include a clock, weather report, alarm, music player, incoming phone call details and incoming text messages.”

The QuickWindow case won’t be available until the LG G2 is released, which is fine seeing as how LG’s press event is just over a week away. As for what the G2 will sport in terms of software and features, LG fans have a reason for optimism.

The invitations sent out last week hint at the likelihood of a fingerprint sensor or scanner, either on the front display or backplate–though that wouldn’t make a whole lot of sense with a QuickWindow encasing it. Rumors have failed to mention such a feature but the overtly blatant finger touching what appears to be the G2’s screen on the invite is a big enough clue in and of itself. Apple is apparently attempting to launch similar technology in its upcoming iPhone 5s this fall.

The G2 is poised to pack some serious muscle underneath its hood so keep an eye out for a burly 2.3GHz quad-core Snapdragon 800 processor, a crystal clear 5.2-inch LCD display, an unparalleled 3GB of memory, a sharp 13MP camera, and a probable Android 4.2.2 mobile OS. Google did recently unveil its updated Android 4.3 so the G2 may come with an available upgrade.

The LG G2 press event and subsequent unveiling is scheduled for August 7 at 11am ET in New York City. Stay tuned to BostInno until then as more leaked specs and photos are sure to emerge.

[Featured image via Engadget]