Influencers. Ambassadors. Mavens. Advocates. Regardless of how we refer to these people, they are the very core to influencer marketing. These thought leaders–analysts, journalists, bloggers, and so on–influence buyers’ decisions, and your brand needs them. So how do you identify and build relationships with the right people that will provide key third-party, non-paid endorsements, help build your credibility, and ultimately serve as an invaluable marketing asset, like no member of your internal team can? Check out the following five tips to building an active and engaged influencer community in Boston.

1. Target

What Boston-based publications, bloggers, professionals and so on influence your customer base? This is a question that sales, marketing, and consumers themselves can help answer. Pinpoint the area’s hottest industry blogs, the most trafficked websites, the must-follow individuals. If people are listening to what they’re saying, you want them to be talking about you.

2. Prioritize

Not all influencers are created equal. Some have more pull than others, and oftentimes, it is the relationships with these individuals that require the most nurturing. Rather than getting discouraged, identify those you think will have the most impact, set realistic expectations, and focus your efforts accordingly.

3. Engage

Do your homework, determine how, where, and in what order to reach targeted influencers, and start building a relationship. Get familiar with their work. Better yet, start commenting on it and share it. Follow them on Twitter and LinkedIn. Like their organization on Facebook. Post your own updates that will resonate with them, should they catch their eye. Attend local events that they’re participating in. It may take time until you actually connect with them, but personalized engagement across multiple mediums is key to starting the conversation.

4. Be Worth Working With

Earned endorsements are worth more than paid ones for obvious reasons, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make your relationship as fruitful as possible for all parties involved. According to Kevin Cain of OpenView Venture Partners, “[t]he key to successfully engaging influencers is making the process of working with you as easy as possible for them.” Be detailed with your requests, leaving little to no room for interpretation. In fact, many firms will go as far as generating sample testimonials or quotes for influencers to revise as they see fit, dramatically increasing their willingness to participate. And while you may not be cutting them a check for their support, that doesn’t mean perks are off-limits. Don’t think twice about comping tickets to influencers so they can join you at your events. In fact, you’d be lucky to have them there.

5. Come Full Circle

Your job isn’t done once you’ve secured the support of an influencer. In fact, it’s just beginning. If you publish an article quoting them, or see external coverage, promote as you normally would, share it with them, and ask that they do the same with their audience. Follow up to let them know how their content performs, or call their attention to comments that provide an opportunity for them to be heard. Last but not least, always acknowledge their contributions and thank them. There is no hard and fast set of rules to building an influencer community, but these guidelines will help build the credibility your brand needs to grow trust, raise awareness, and ultimately gain more customers. Click here to learn more about expanding your marketing reach.