According to Pew, 60% of US consumers searched for health information online in 2012 and Comscore reports there are 13.7 billion searches conducted on Google every month. That’s a lot of potential patients to be reached.

Pharma’s content-marketing opportunity is to ensure when a doctor or patient goes searching for health information online – the right content is there waiting for them.

Resonance Content Marketing has an ongoing series of podcasts focused on the questions, frustrations, hopes and fears around content marketing. This episode touches on Content Marketing In a Highly Regulated Field with special guest Ryan Hanley, master content marketer and host of the Content Warfare Podcast.

Topics covered in this podcast: 

  • Why working in a highly regulated field like insurance (Ryan’s industry) is no excuse for not adding content marketing to your strategy
  • How a series of 100 short videos jump-started traffic for his agency’s website ŕ la the adrenaline-shot scene in Pulp Fiction 
  • Why content marketing is absolutely vital in today’s environment, even though the concept has been around for years
  • Tip of the Week: How to start a style guide for your content

Are you a pharma marketer using content to connect and engage with your audience? We’d love to hear your experiences, successes and best practices.