A recent article, Lean Market Research: How to Use Lean Research to Understand the Customer caught my attention and got me thinking about usable customer insights.

Traditional market research tends to have longer time lines and focus on big learnings that are often not put to use. Customer insights on the other hand are highly actionable information, reflecting sentiment from today not 6 weeks ago.

This brings to mind a recent InCrowd Use Case highlighting message preference. A client’s marketing team was debating over wording for new physician collateral. To guide their final decision they went straight to the end user and asked a Crowd of pre-screened and targeted physicians for their input. They had direct physician feedback and were moving the project forward within 24 hours.

We like this example of actionable information.

How are accessing customer insights? Are you able to quickly use the data to support your business efforts?

If you’d like to see other InCrowd Use Cases and learn more about how we can help, please drop us note.