Hear that, Boston? It’s the type of silence that can only settle on this city of ours following the world’s largest gathering of inbound marketers. That’s right; HubSpot’s INBOUND 2013 conference has come and gone, and it is now time to reflect. We learned, we speculated, we partied, we rocked out, and some of us even occasionally considered unplugging from all the marketing madness.

Looking back on more than 100 keynotes and product demos is an undertaking in and of itself, so we thought we’d tie it all together for you by sharing some soundbites from the speakers who said it best. Here are 13 memorable quotes from INBOUND 2013.

  1. “The goal [of inbound] is not customer satisfaction. It’s customer delightion.”
    Dharmesh Shah, Co-Founder and CTO of HubSpot
    That’s right, Dharmesh made up a word and it’s already catching on.
  2. “I’ve always wanted to dance in front of 5,300 people. How cool is that?”
    Brian Halligan, Co-Founder and CEO of HubSpot
    Skip to the 48:15 mark of the keynote to check out Halligan’s moves.
  3. In talking about modeling ourselves after gazelles: “We just need to learn to graze. We are running all the time. We are running even when there [is no danger]. This is the mode we are in.”
    Arianna Huffington, President and Editor-in-Chief of Huffington Post
    Watch the full keynote here.
  4. “Show. Don’t tell. And do it visually.”
    Scott Harrison, CEO and Founder of charity: water
    Check out charity: water’s September campaign video here and make sure you have a box of tissues.
  5. “If you don’t know where you are in the present, it’s very hard to take quality steps toward future.”
    Nate Silver, Creator of FiveThirtyEight.com
  6. “Building connections is the asset of the future.”
    Seth Godin, Best Selling Author
  7. “I think great marketing is transparent… if it’s not uncomfortable, you’re not being transparent enough.”
    Rand Fishkin, CEO and Founder of Moz
  8. “We have to change the way we talk about startups to get more women in the game. Invite. Expand the circle!”
    -Katie Rae, Managing Director of TechStars Boston and Project 11
  9. “You are what you publish on the web.”
    David Meerman Scott, Author of The New Rules of Marketing & PR
  10. “Very often when something scares you, it’s the very thing worth doing.”
    Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer of MarketingProfs
  11. “Report on results, not activites.”
    Mike Volpe, CMO of HubSpot
  12. “Social media monitoring is about building relationships, not about sitting back and watching the newsfeed.”
    Anum Hussein, Inbound Content Strategist at HubSpot
  13. “You don’t just stop at the close, you continue with the delight.”
    Laura Fitton, Inbound Marketing Evangelist at HubSpot


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