It’s being reported today that Amazon is testing its own new wireless network in an expansive move that would bolster the e-commerce company’s position as an all-everything provider. The news comes courtesy of Bloomberg but notes that its sources requested to remain anonymous because testing has been private.

By securing a wireless network via satellite communications company Globalstar Inc., Amazon will add another entry to its increasingly-long resume that includes premier online marketplace, cloud service host, Kindle series manufacturer and video streaming provider. Noteworthy and completely unrelated, though a possible premonition of things to come, people ought to keep in mind is that founder and CEO Jeff Bezos recently bought out The Washington Post for a cool $250 million.

In cash.

Pivoting into internet providing is part of what Bloomberg labels “a strategy that spurred a 27 percent increase in sales to $61.1 billion last year.” That strategy, in the most vaguest of senses, is simply to adapt or die.

Bezos and Amazon have a penchant for realizing when an industry is on the brink of change, whether expansion or diminishment, and moves full steam ahead. When the online book market became increasingly saturated, Amazon opened its doors to selling all kinds of retail goods. When E-readers evolved into full on tablets, the Kindle adjusted accordingly. When the likes of Netflix and Hulu began closing in on the video streaming sector, Amazon launched Amazon Instant Video.

When it comes to internet providers, outside of — off the top of my head — Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, Time Warner Cable, the options are limited and the industry is in dire need of disruption.

Enter the likes of Amazon and Google Fiber.

Here are two companies universally loved by tech junkies and regular Joe Shmoes alike, especially when compared to the aforementioned providers. Google Fiber is already underway, mapping out 17 cities to launch in with the fastest internet speeds, bulkiest bandwidth, and cheapest cost, but there’s plenty of room for Amazon at the top.

There’s been no mention yet for plans of an imminent launch so stay tuned to BostInno for the latest details regarding Amazon’s plans for launching a wireless network. In the meantime, let us know how you think the new service will fare especially in comparison for those conglomerate’s whose wallets are about to get a whole lot lighter.