Valeant, GSK, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, Novartis, Teva, Perrigo and Mylan

– Some drugmakers don’t lack creativity and a few of them actually made Forbes’ latest list of 100 most innovative companies on the globe. Which Are Pharma’s Top 4 Innovators? Hint: It’s Not The Big Guys reveals Perrigo, Valeant, Novo Nordisk and Mylan made Forbes’ ranking of innovative companies. Forbes doesn’t go into detail about the basis for those expectations but FiercePharma gives it a shot

– World Pharma News’ GSK Launches $50 million Venture Capital Fund to Invest in Pioneering Bioelectronic Medicines and Technologies covers  the details of GlaxoSmithKline’s launch of Action Potential Venture Capital (APVC) Limited and GSK’s focus on bioelectronics

– Social Media Today shares The Big Brand Theory: How Is Social Media Reshaping Pfizer?, a discussion between Paul Dunay, Global Vice President of Marketing for Maxymiser, and Bob Libbey, Head of Digital and Social Communications at Pfizer, covering some of Pfizer’s social efforts and strategies

– In recognition of Novartis’ efforts to provide support to the company’s associates in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer, Novartis First Company Accredited With Global “CEO Cancer Gold Standard” for Outstanding Efforts in Cancer Prevention and Treatment by the non-profit organization CEO Roundtable on Cancer, a group of cancer fighting CEOs from a variety of industries, including healthcare

– With a launch demonstrating Teva’s commitment to continue to pursue first-to-market opportunities and enhance the value of their portfolio by concentrating on high-margin, low competition markets, PharmaLive reports Teva Teams With Perrigo to Launch Generic Brain Tumor Drug, a generic equivalent to Temodar (temozolomide) for the treatment of adult patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme (brain tumor). Temodar had annual sales of $423 million in the US last year, according to IMS data