Trish Bertuzzi is the founder of The Bridge Group, an inside sales consulting and implementation firm that specializes in building, expanding and optimizing inside sales strategies for innovative and cutting-edge tech companies. She’s also one of the most highly respected sales professionals today. Trish has been named as one of the top 25 Most Influential in Inside Sales by the American Association of Inside Sales Professionals (AA-ISP) for four years in a row! She was also recently named one of the top 25 Sales Influencers by OpenView Labs and one of the top 50 Sales and Marketing Influencers by Top Sales World.

To put it mildly, Trish knows what she’s talking about when it comes to sales. When she shares one of her helpful nuggets of information, we sit up and pay attention. We’ve compiled 15 of our favorite motivational sales quotes from her. While we’re likely going to have to add to this list by the end of this afternoon, here’s a comprehensive list of 15 great motivational sales quotes from the one-and-only Trish Bertuzzi.

1. “The customer doesn’t care about features – they care about solving their problems.” (Click to Tweet)

2. “Bad data is probably handicapping your team by at least 25%!” (Click to Tweet)

3. “Prospects are making their purchase decision based on whether they think you understand their problems and you have the knowledge, resources and commitment to solve them.” (Click to Tweet)

4. “It is the cold that is dead – not the calling.” (Click to Tweet)

5. “On average, managers are spending 2.4 hours per rep on monthly coaching – we need to do better!” (Click to Tweet)

6. “Buyers won’t engage with sales reps who pitch product, but they will give access to trusted advisors.” (Click to Tweet)

7. “An effective process has the reps thinking in terms of ‘them’ as opposed to ‘us’.” (Click to Tweet)

8. “If you care about the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns or the productivity of your sales teams, you NEED to invest in data.” (Click to Tweet) 

9. “Hiring is one of the most critical factors in the success of any sales organization.” (Click to Tweet)

10. “What if you let your customers do the talking?” (Click to Tweet)

11. “Buyers are researching sales reps are much as they are researching products and services.” (Click to Tweet)

12. “It isn’t the medium as much as the emotion that matters.” (Click to Tweet)

13. “You have to believe in what you sell and you have to care about your industry.” (Click to Tweet)

14. “I’m bored with hearing how busy and wonderful we all are. Aren’t we boring ourselves too? We can learn so much more from what didn’t go perfectly and how we adapted, improvised and overcame.” – (Click to Tweet)

15. “Embrace the fact that investing in your data is a process, not an event. Data needs to be a line item on your budget and not a checkbox you fill in once and are done with.” (Click to Tweet)