A fire at Logan Airport around 5 p.m. Tuesday forced the cancellation or delay of about 15 percent of the flights out of the airport.

Firefighters have not determined the cause of the fire, according to a Boston Globe report, which occurred in one of twelve fuel pumps at the airport. Edward C. Freni, Logan’s director of aviation, said that the fire didn’t seem suspicious. No injuries were reported.

The blaze —  referred to by Freni as “unusual” and “catastrophic” during a press conference at the airport — was reportedly under control within 30 minutes after firefighters arrivedThe underground transportation system that brings fuel to planes remained off, however, while engineers continued to assess the damage, according to a Globe report early Wednesday morning

Freni, citing security concerns, reportedly declined to discuss any threats the fire might pose to other large fuel tanks located near the site of the blaze.

Several flights, including international arrivals, had to divert to other regional airports to refuel before landing later at Logan.

There is no word on damage costs. Freni “tentatively” predicted that operations would return to normal at some point on Wednesday, according to the Globe report.

It is recommended that people with flights in and out of Logan contact their airlines. Boston.com has reported that the airport “is operating on a regular schedule this morning.”

Image via Starmedia.com