High noon has come and gone in Boston and though daylight is slowly dwindling, the population of The Hub is only beginning to emerge at the various polling stations throughout the city. With a population of (estimate based on 2012) approximately 636,479, only a fraction has cast their vote in the preliminary election that will pit two mayoral candidates against each other in hopes of securing the office Thomas Menino has presided over for two decades.

The City of Boston Election Department has released ward and precinct breakdowns of the number of people who have voted thus far in the preliminaries. According to the data, 39,451 Boston residents have chosen their respective candidate for mayor, roughly 6% of the entire city population.

You can check out the break down for each ward and precinct below, but a couple of quick notes to consider:

  • The most votes have come from Ward 20 with 4,896
  • Of Ward 20, Precinct 17 has contributed 355 votes
  • Ward 18, with three more precincts than 20, is a close second with 4,637
  • Of Ward 18, Precinct 20 leads with 364 votes cast

1200PMNumbersBostonVote.pdf by GarrettQuinn


Andre Ryan, City Hall reporter for the Boston Globe, recently Tweeted a couple of more detailed statistics related to the preliminary race, more specifically the voting turnout in the candidate’s home precinct.

Stay tuned to BostInno for the latest Boston Mayoral Preliminary Election coverage as we’ll be sure to keep you updated as any and all information continues to be made public.