
If you haven’t done so, do it. RIGHT NOW! Well, maybe not right now. I know: work, class, traveling, life, all get in the way. Still, today is first time in 23 years Bostonians have had the chance to cast their vote for two of 12 mayoral candidates.

When Mayor Tom Menino took office: cassettes and VHS movies were luxury items; car phones were a big deal; the Sox were still cursed; and touch screens were the stuff of science-fiction.

There are iPhones and smartphones now. And Facebook. And Twitter. And Instagram.

Those are just some of the countless examples of new media at our disposal. People communicate, share, publish and inform each other constantly; a perfect storm for democracy and a chance to make Boston history.

While the numbers don’t show a dramatic increase in voters, trust me: People are out there. Bostonians are voting; the candidates are voting. Even pets have joined their owners at the polls. The proof is below, thanks to Instagram photos and various Tweets.

Get out and vote, if you can.

Thanks to sofiasnow, garrettquinn3000, NECN, hannahjoansmith, Kelmcchane, and medinasmum for the Instagrams