The Federal Aviation Administration will consider lifting restrictions during airplane take-offs and landings to allow passengers to use their mobile devices including smartphones, tablets, e-readers, and other electronic gadgets. The news comes just as Alec Baldwin finally makes peace with the fact playing Angry Birds isn’t kosher just prior to a plane’s ascent. Kidding. About Alec Baldwin. But really, the FAA is considering lifting it’s restrictions.

According to the Associated Press, “The 28-member FAA advisory committee voted to recommend the change during a closed-door meeting Thursday, said industry officials familiar with the deliberations.” The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were asked by the government to keep any discussion regarding the matter on the down-low.

The advisory committee with submit their recommendations to the FAA come Monday and if approved, passengers traveling via skyway will be afforded a greater scope of mobile device usage under 10,000 feet, though it own’t come absolutely. “Downloading data, surfing the Web and talking on the phone would remain prohibited,” noted the AP.

Essentially, any device put to use will have to be under the guise of Airplane mode.

The report continues to cite that FAA restrictions could ease up as imminently as early 2014, assuming they take the advisory committee’s suggestions to heart, though it’s just as likely the case will be dragged out for years “if airlines have to apply, carrier by carrier, to have their planes approved as safe for use of the devices.”

Ultimately the decision rests with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), not the FAA, and the FCC has “opposed allowing passengers on fast-moving planes to make phone calls” because of instances of cellular networks interfering with onboard electronics.

We have reached out to nearby Logan International Airport in hopes of eliciting a response but they have yet to get back to us.

For those who have had the misfortune of being scolded by an angry flight attendant or being called out on the loud speaker by one in the cockpit, feel free to share your thoughts on the matter or your story in the comments section below.