It’s day 10 of the federal government shutdown and the people living under Beacon Hill don’t think to highly of those working on Capitol Hill. A new phone poll conducted from Oct. 1-7 by Springfield’s Western New England University of 468 adults in Massachusetts shows they blame Republicans in Congress for the government shutdown, approve of President Obama’s job, and support healthcare reform.

For those reviewing the data, it’s important to keep in mind that Massachusetts in general often ebbs when the rest of the country flows. As stubborn as Massachusetts residents can often be, so too are their liberal political beliefs. So, naturally, the numbers tend to be a bit skewed when compared to the sentiments of the American heartland.

But numbers are numbers, and Massachusetts is pointing its finger at the GOP. According to the data, 56% of adults surveyed blame Congressional Republicans for the shutdown. When considering just registered voters, that number jumps to 58%. Only 5% of the adults blame congress while 16% blame President Obama.

Similarly, 80% of all adults polled disapprove of Republicans in Congress. Perhaps one of the more telling items, though, is that 52% of registered Republicans asked also disapprove of their political party, and only 46% approve.

But it’s not all sunshine and puppy dogs for the left-wingers. 49% of all adults, and 51% of registered voters, disapprove of the job Democrats are doing.

As for the job approval of our Commander in Chief, 58% of adults, and 60% of registered voters, are in favor of President Obama’s endeavors, though 87% of Republicans denounce his competency.

To try and get the most balanced and unbiased perspective, take a look at the numbers of those registered as an Independent. There, only 53% approve of President Obama’s job while 42% disapprove; only 34% approve of Democrats in congress while 58% disapprove; only 15% approve of the GOP while 79% disapprove; and 53% blame Republicans directly for the shutdown.

The numbers are by no means overwhelming and show no landslide one way or the other. Most of all, it illustrates the dissatisfaction resonating throughout Massachusetts of all factions of the government.

If there are any aspects to take away from the poll, it’s that all parties are to blame and that the bipartisan system of legislation we’re all suffering from isn’t working anymore.