This week we look at technology trends that will reshape the Pharma industry, the most promising private biotechnology companies, a 3D model of the human body, what pharma can learn from the luxury good industry and a safety comparison of older versus newer diabetes drugs.

-According to Digital Pharma, technology is a fundamental component of meeting the challenges that face pharmaceutical companies. Five Technology Trends that are Shaping the Pharmaceutical Industry lists the trends that will reshape the pharma over the next three to five years.

-FierceBiotech released this year’s Fierce 15 which includes some bright prospects from some great biotech minds and a whole slate of Big Pharma companies either already jumping in the game or looking to find out more. FierceBiotech’s 2013 Fierce 15 lists the winners of the most promising private biotechnology companies in the industry, proving they have strength in technology, partnerships, venture backers and a competitive market position.

-The New York City startup BioDigital, developed BioDigital Human, a 3D model of the human body. Pharma Daily’s 3D Digital Model of Human Body Attracts VC Funding explores how the model has other applications, such as enabling businesses that make pharmaceutical products or medical devices to simulate how they work and to arm their sales teams with a visual aid to use in presentations.

-PMLiVE discusses strategies that can catapult prescription drug products into the 21st century.Playing Hard to Get:  What Pharma can really learn from the Luxury Industry gives insight into making prescriptions more top-of-mind with physicians and relevant to the patient.

-There is a misconception that older drugs, especially those that have been on the market for decades, are safer than new drugs. The Forbes article Recent Data with Diabetes Drugs Disprove Notion that Older Drugs are Safer than New Ones, contradicts this theory and points out that many drugs that were approved decades ago would not pass the FDA scrutiny today.

That wraps this week’s review of news from and for the pharma insight community. I’ll leave you with an invitation to learn more about the benefits of real time data  and offer you a personal demo of InCrowd’s on-demand platform providing you direct and immediate access to Crowds of screened and targeted healthcare professionals.

If you have tips, suggestions or resources you’d like to share leave us a note below and please feel free to suggest topics that you’d like to see covered in future posts.