Direct from the Pharmacist Crowd: What do you see as the major benefits to people receiving flu shots at their local pharmacy?

Pharmacists play an important role in our overall health, especially during flu season. Meijer, a chain of Midwest retail stores, anticipates its pharmacists will administer 40% more flu shots this season than last. Why, due to the convenience of walk-in pharmacy services. To highlight the role of the pharmacist, InCrowd asked 150 retail pharmacists a series of questions regarding the 2013-2014 flu season.

Question #1: Why don’t people get flu shots?

Question #2: What do you see as the major benefits to people receiving flu shots at their local pharmacy?

The benefits identified by the surveyed pharmacists fit nicely under the umbrella of convenience and could very easily play a role in more people getting their flu shots at retail pharmacies.

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  • 90% of surveyed pharmacists identified convenience as main benefit of getting flu shot at a retail pharmacy
    • Easy access, offered at many pharmacies and stores 78/150
    • No appointment needed 33/150
    • Fast with minimal wait time 24/150

Next question Direct from the Pharmacist Crowd: What do you see as the major drawbacks to people receiving flu shots at their local pharmacy?

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