Bad news for self-proclaimed wine fans out there. This morning as I scanned the news, I read my three least favorite words in the English language: “global wine shortage.” Yes, with these words, wine lovers in Boston and all over the world are officially concerned. And being a wine-with-dinner kind of gal myself, I’m particularly unhappy with this precarious grape situation.

According to a report released (Oct. 28) by Morgan Stanley Research, the entire world is experiencing “a growing dearth of wine,” as reported by Quartz. As you can see from the data (below), there is evidence that there “may be insufficient supply to meet demand in the coming years,” according to the report.

And it should serve as no surprise that we are indeed a world of “winos,” with wine consumption worldwide rising since the late 1990s. And Americans are no exception. Quartz also reported, that the U.S. “guzzles roughly 12% of the world’s wine” — apparently, we really do prefer our glasses half-full (or just full), if you will.

Unfortunately, it seems that global production of wine “has been on a downward trend ever since the early 2000s.” There is a bit of good news in all of this though. According to Quartz, 2013 “has been a surprisingly good year for winemakers” and global wine production is 2013 has risen “to seven-year highs.”

Despite this good news, the apparent shortage still doesn’t bode well for wine fans. But it won’t stop me from seeking out some of Boston’s best wine lists including Troquet’s, which was recently named as having one of the top 100 most notable wine lists in the country.

I wouldn’t go as far to say it’s the wine apocalypse but I’d at least recommend stocking up on your 3-buck Chuck wine collection. Just in case.

Image via Quartz