New Englanders, we know you’ve rolled your eyes at articles like this, lamenting the state of your entrepreneurial ecosystem. But have you ever been tempted to do something more than just Tweet a response?

Us too. So we want to share a very real way to demonstrate the strength of our innovation community: a few acts of benevolence to help make one of our newest neighbors, Panorama Education, feel at home.

First, a little background:

Panorama Education was founded by Aaron Feuer and Xan Tanner, both Yale ’13 grads, to tackle the challenge of effective school survey creation and administration. A pretty cool mission, right?

What’s even cooler is the fact that Panorama chose to relocate here from Sillicon Valley despite being incubated at Y Combinator and raising millions of dollars from high-level West Coast investors.

Doesn’t sound like they need much help, does it?

Both Feuer and Tanner have the feeling that they’ve “parachuted in” to the Boston area, leaving behind their networks in New Haven and on the West Coast to build out their business in what Feuer calls “an education place.”

So why parachute in, knowing no one? And why not listen to their investors, all of whom encouraged them to stay in Sillicon Valley?

“Startups here are solving very, very real problems,” Feuer shared with us. “World-changing problems.” This makes sense for a pair of founders who “wanted to go for the hardest possible, biggest problems, rather than nibbling around the edges.”

In the midst of all of its problem solving, though, Panorama actually poses a great challenge to our ecosystem. We want folks like Feuer and Tanner to consider it a no-brainer to come here and grow their businesses, and so we need Panorama Education to succeed.

Panorama’s funders warned Feuer and Tanner not to come to Boston, as it would be impossible to find the same engineering talent here as they could on the West Coast. Funny, the last time we checked, high-tech talent was more concentrated here than anywhere in the nation.

So how can you help?

Next time you meet a great job-seeker (especially with an engineering background or an interest in ed tech), think of Panorama. Assembling an all-star team is Feuer and Tanner’s biggest challenge, and, therefore, our biggest challenge. Solving it means one highly qualified referral at a time.

You may wonder: why help Panorama? Are they the first company to move here from the West Coast? No, and we’re confident they won’t be the last. But their move here has garnered significant publicity and nay-saying, and it’s time for us to prove that our community is the most supportive and dynamic one around.

It’s on us, New England. Let’s make Panorama’s move here a success, and let’s use that success to show the world why this is the best place to live, work, and build a company that matters.