UPDATE: Marty Walsh confirms his transition team co-chairs as Joyce Linehan, Katherine Craven, John Barros, Charlotte Golar Richie, Felix Arroyo, and Sam Tyler.

Mayor-elect Marty Walsh will appoint Charlotte Golar Richie and John Barros to his transition team, unnamed sources told the Boston Globe.

Sources told the Globe names of four of the five co-chairs of the transition team.

Joining Barros and Golar Richie will be public relation executive Joyce Linehan and Katherine P. Craven, executive director of the UMass Building Authority.

The fifth co-chair remains unknown.

Walsh is expected to announce the appointments today.

Barros and Golar Richie were two of 12 preliminary candidates on the September 24 ballot. Following the preliminary election, Barros – joined by City Councilor Felix Arroyo – publicly endorsed Walsh on October 8.

Four days later, Golar Richie joined the Walsh brigade, endorsing the mayor-elect on October 12.

Both were coveted endorsements that helped the mayor-elect edge City Councilor John Connolly in Tuesday’s general election. Golar Richie’s endorsement, in particular, may have propelled Walsh to victory in WARD 18 (Hyde Park) – the City’s largest voting WARD.

Hours before the results of Tuesday’s election rolled in, Boston University professor John Carroll suggested that a Walsh victory was potentially “setting the table” for the future of three candidates of color – Barros, Golar Richie and Arroyo.


Image from martywalsh.org