Tickets for the Beer Advocate’s Extreme Beer Fest go on sale today at noon, and while the event doesn’t take place until March 21 and 22 of 2014, your future self will thank you months from now if you snag a pair in advance. If you wait until you remember that the event is happening just a few days before it’s happening, you’ll be hot and fresh out of luck, and while beer fests are a dime a dozen in this fine city of ours, the Extreme Beer Fest sets itself apart, by being – well, extreme. Basically. This ain’t your cheesy college roommate’s “super sick, bro” beer fest.

With the tagline “Dare to Drink Different,” Extreme Beer Fest brings something new to the table right off the bat. Once you look past the bolded letters on their official website, you’ll find out that what they want you to dare to drink that’s different is over 250 beers. But not just any old 250 beers, beers that are pushing the boundaries in both creativity and innovation, and putting your 30 rack of Bud Light to shame.

The 250 beers to sample in unlimited 2 oz pours are represented by 60 different breweries – about double the size of last year’s fest – and each brewery is challenged to bring on “Extreme Session Beer” to grace the adventurous beer swigger’s palate. The end result is pretty much any frothy combination you can imagine lined up for you to try, from sweet, to smokey, to spicy, to outrageous. If you’re a brave soul that likes beer, you shouldn’t miss this.

Sponsored by Dogfish Head, which is no stranger to extreme beers (moondust beer, anyone?), the event will host all the heavy-hitting brewers, from locals Boston Beer Co., Harpoon, Sam Adams, as well as Sixpoint Brewery, Smuttynose, Lagunitas, and Allagash. Everyone who’s everyone in the beer world is going to be there, and they’re all ready to blow your basic beer drinking tendencies out of the water.

For those who like to get a little smarter while they sip, there will be three forums taking place over the course of the weekend, which you can buy tickets for in addition to your regular festival session ticket. The forums – Late Night with Sam Calagione & Friends; Bugs, Barrels & Beers; IPA Smackdown – will be hosted by industry guests and take the entire extreme-beer theme a stretch further. Times are TBD at the moment, but tickets are available with regular beer fest tickets.

Here’s the rest of the dirty deets on the Beer Advocate’s Extreme Beer Fest, if you’re intrigued, which you likely are.

  • The Extreme Beer Fest will take place at the Seaport World Trade Center.
  • The event will have three sessions: March 21, 6 to 9:30 p.m.; March 22, 1 to 4:30 p.m.; and March 22, 6 to 9:30 p.m.
  • Regular tickets are $55; Fest and forum tickets are $75.
  • Your ticket gets you access to unlimited samplings.
  • There will be food (lineup TBD), so all of this extreme beer won’t go to your head and make you think you can achieve extreme feats.

So who’s comin’? Grab your tickets right here at noon!