In case you haven’t wandered the aisles of a grocery or liquor store lately, there’s a trend taking hold of your favorite alcohol. Beer in a can is most certainly a thing. What used to be considered only acceptable for the Bud Lights and other generic beer options out there, is now officially okay for your preferred craft beer as well. And now it seems those beer cans are getting a tad crafty themselves.

That’s right – the once considered downmarket cans are now becoming quite ubiquitous, with seemingly every beer brand in a can of their own. And with craft breweries throughout the country embracing the aluminum style, it seems there’s now been an explosion of innovative designs, as reported in Quartz.

And the website featured our very own Sam Adams beer can. According to Quartz, “The Boston Beer Company, the largest US craft brewery and maker of Samuel Adams beer, had sworn off cans for years.” But this year “it introduced the “Sam Can,” which features a wide mouth placing the opening closer to the nose and a flared lip that is supposed to deliver more beer aroma” (below).

For those who haven’t yet seen the can here is the top view of the newly redesigned Sam Can. And industry analysts have reported that “the new technologies are also changing perceptions of beer cans. Last year cans carried 53.2% of the US beer market, up from 48.3% in 2006.” Not bad.

And the can trend continues with not only craft beer but wine as well. The Huffington Post reported this month that wine in a can is also on its way to becoming a thing. Which in my wine-loving opinion is just a little too far. I’ll drink beer in a can – sure. But wine? I still prefer my glass in hand, thank you.

I guess we’ll have to see how this can trend continues to evolve but one thing’s for sure, these new designs are taking the entire beer drinking experience for a loop.

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