We’ve listed plenty of ways to give back this holiday season. From Instagramming a smooch to attending a Lovin’ Spoonfuls fundraiser, there’s no shortage of good will happening in the Hub. But today we present you with one individual making a difference in Boston who might surprise you. Paul Turano, executive chef and owner of Tryst and Cook, is dedicating his holiday season to raising money for Boston Children’s Hospital.

But the restaurateur isn’t giving back solely because it’s the holiday season, but because the beneficent happens to be very near and dear to his heart. You probably wouldn’t know that Chef Turano has spent considerable time in the hospital’s Patient and Family Resource Room – but he has. This is because both of the chef’s two children have Severe Combined Immune Deficiency Syndrome (SCIDS). And when his son was two months old, he had a bone marrow transplant at Boston Children’s Hospital that saved his life.

Turano explained to BostInno that “The resource room holds a particular place in my heart because we spent time there when my children were treated. They do everything they can to help families maintain a sense of normalcy. Whether it’s a morning coffee, a parking pass, or just a quiet place to sit and relax, we tend to overlook these things in our everyday life. But, when you are going through treatments, it’s those little things that keep you going day in and day out.”

And according to a release, the room helps provide services to over 45 families whose children are being treated at the Boston Children’s Hospital Oncology and Hematology Center. It is also “staffed by a patient and family educator who can help patients and families learn about their medical treatment … it offers a space for patients and families to relax and connect with others going through a similar experience.”

To help continue the work that the Patient and Family Resource Room is doing, the Boston chef is holding a holiday fundraiser to support Boston Children’s Hospital.

From December 1st, 2013 through December 31st, 2013, you can donate directly through the online branded donation page or at either of Chef Turano’s restaurants, Cook or Tryst. If you find yourself eating out at one of these spots, there will be a QR code, which you scan and go directly to the donation page. As an added incentive, the chef will also give donors a gift certificate to Tryst (for up to $20) with proof of donation, in exchange for their donation.

According to Chef Turano, this is their second annual holiday fundraiser for Boston Children’s Hospital. The chef told us that they “make several donations throughout the year, but this is the first one that we’ve asked our customers to get involved and help support the cause. Last year we held it and nearly doubled our goal. We raised just under $4,000.00, all of which will go directly to the Patient and Family Resource Room. This year, with the addition of our second restaurant in Newton, I think we can double it again.”

To help donate to the cause this holiday season, you can visit the website here.