With a 3-day work week and an entire feast of food ahead of you, life is looking pretty good right about now. But once you make the drive and/or plane ride home, things tend to slow down. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing my family during the holidays. But once you’ve reunited and caught up on everyone’s life, things can get a little boring. After the turkey and side dishes have been demolished, do you find yourself sitting around, drumming your fingertips and thinking – so, now what?

Unless you plan to sit around and stare at each other, it might be a good idea to have some fun entertainment planned for the holiday – besides eating. Or at least a few things to do. To help you keep your sanity, we’ve recommended a few activities for you this Thanksgiving holiday.

Card Games and/or Board Games

Whether it’s Texas Hold Em’ or the politically incorrect Cards Against Humanity (gotta love it), a card game is a great way to involve all the adults in the fam. Just make sure your most competitive member of the family realizes it’s only a game…

Host a Wine and Cheese Pairing

Because why not? This adult friendly tasting could be a great Thanksgiving evening or day-after activity. There are plenty of wine and cheese pairing charts out there – so embrace your inner sommelier and discover a few combos you find interesting. Pay a trip to the closest grocery store and buy cheese samples and wine for everyone to taste. You can try your best to explain why that blue cheese sample tastes so perfectly with that sip of sweet dessert wine.

Go to a Movie

Thanksgiving (and the holidays in general) is a great time for the movies. Take a trip with family to see the latest “Hunger Games: Catching Fire” movie or one of the other films out this week. It’s better than being really really bored.

Host a Family Beer Tasting

For the beer lovers out there, this activity is a fun and easy way to gather everyone around the table one more time. And you don’t need to be a beer aficionado to do so. Just visit the nearest liquor store selling craft beers and gather a few of the bigger bottles that you find interesting. Everyone should have their own tasting glass or solo cup to sample each beer. And tada – boredom gone.

Catch Up on Emails or (gasp) Hand-Written Notes

It might sound lame, but when else do you have free time on your hands to catch up on personal (not work) emails and even hand-written thank you notes. While it’s not something I recommend you do for hours at a time, it couldn’t hurt to work that into your time at home.

Learn How to Cook

If you love to cook, learn from the best. Ask your mom and grandmother this Thanksgiving to teach you their culinary ways. And maybe even take the time to write down their recipes for later. After all, how many times are you going to eat that sweet potato souffle without knowing how to make it yourself. It might be a good excuse to start your own personal cookbook.

Take a Day Trip Somewhere…

If you’re really bored, head somewhere down the road for entertainment. And if you’re staying around here, I recommend heading to Plymouth to really get into the Thanksgiving spirit. The town offers all sorts of activities centered around the Thanksgiving holiday. Or head to a nearby vineyard on the cape or south shore.

Watch Home Movies

While you’re home, catch up on those old home movies you haven’t seen in years. These are always sure to bring you to tears…of laughter. After all, nothing is funnier than you and your parents dressed in 80s and 90s fashionable attire. Good times.