For those of you who don’t enjoy the occasional imbibing session, specialty cocktail, or bevy of cheap beers, yesterday was Repeal Day – the 80th anniversary of the end of prohibition in the United States. And while BostInno was celebrating with its 50 on Fire event at South Boston’s Moakley Courthouse, others were hitting the bars, swigging swill, and tweeting about how much they love the fact that it’s no longer illegal to sell, produce, import, and transport booze.

So excited, in fact, were those in the Twittersphere that since November 28, there have been more than 45,800 tweets on the topic of Repeal Day and as of yesterday, more than 34,000 tweets in regards to the end of prohibition.

Our pals over at Crimson Hexagon, who toss back social media statistics the way BostInno does drinks on a Thursday, did some research and found that Twitter users were proverbially drunk on the trend #RepealDay. Check out the data which depicts the likes of volume, mentions, retweets, and keywords in respect to Repeal Day.

Happy weekend, Boston.