What if you could help determine future dining and retail businesses in your very neighborhood? Obviously, you would if you could. And fortunately for the folks living and working over in the Seaport, the BRA (Boston Redevelopment Authority) is helping you do just that with their new retail survey.

The BRA began circulating the retail survey just five days ago to residents, workers and business owners in the Innovation District. The simple survey asks respondents for their neighborhood (i.e. Fort Point Channel, Seaport, D St.) and how often they do various activities like shop at a grocery store, go to a bank, or eat at a fast, casual restaurant.

Melina Schuler, spokesperson for the BRA, explained to BostInno that in order for the district to be a place where Bostonians can “live, work and play,” the neighborhood must offer the right mix of retail that fits the wants and needs of both area residents and workers.

Schuler continued, “the Innovation District is going to be adding thousands of new residents in the next few years, which means there needs to be more services in the area.”

The survey also assesses what retailers Seaport folks actually frequent the most – everything from Drink to Dunkin’ Donuts is listed as an option. The answers will hopefully determine what kind of lifestyles the residents and workers lead – as well as their specific retail preferences.

So, if you work or live in the Innovation District then I recommend taking a few minutes out of your day to fill out this survey. After all, it could result in your future lunch options – just sayin’.

Image via southbostontoday.com