Yes, I’m afraid that the reports are indeed true – it seems that you will soon be able to print your food using 3D printing technology. And while for most of us this sounds somewhat disgusting, we can hear those bad cooks rejoicing over this new “Foodini” machine.

According to Forbes, you “load your own materials into the machine and then let it ‘print’ the food.” These food manufacturers will make “instant meals” in printer capsules which we can then print through the food printer. Doesn’t sound too appetizing if you ask me.

Telegraph reported that the Foodini can squirt out “anything from pizza or pasta to cakes in a variety of shapes – from dinosaurs to spelling out names with letters.” And apparently, the different ingredients are simply built up in layers once the user chooses their design preference. Forbes reported that the new device combines “technology, food, art and design” to make just about “anything from chocolate fingers to ravioli.”

The 3D Foodini is another take on the revolutionary 3D printing technology. We’ve seen a 3D printed gun, 3D printing hearing aids and even 3D printed jewelry, among a slew of other 3D printed technology – but 3D food is a concept that has yet to reach kitchens.

Unfortunately for those wanting to purchase one ASAP,you’ll have to wait until mid-2014. And it looks as though this 3D food printer will cost you $1,364 – which should probably make you rethink how much you really “hate” cooking. Personally, I think I’ll stick with my own cooking without the help of a 3D printer – that’s too many cooks in the kitchen for me.

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