Odds are, you’re going out tonight. And odds are, you’re going to have one sip of champagne too many – just accept it already and have fun. You can hate yourself in the morning when you’re peeling yourself out of bed to attend New Year’s Day brunch. Hey, at least you don’t have to work.

But still, you want to put on a good face for your first outing of 2014, right? Well, lucky for you, Refinery29 has recruited makeup artist James Vincent to dish out a few tips for making sure those telltale bags under your eyes go completely unnoticed. And honestly, from a few spritzes of toner to a little topical vitamin C, it’s pretty amazing what a difference his makeup tricks can make. Simply take note before you go out, and then order up that Bloody Mary in the morning. Hair of the dog, people.

Watch “The Ultimate Post-Party Makeover” on Refinery29.

By Keriann Coffey, Associate Editor 

Will you be putting Vincent’s tips to the test tomorrow? Tweet us at @ruelala and let us know.

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