The fact that people are posting thermometers to Facebook and wearing Under Armour to work, means that I don’t have to tell you just how cold it is outside. But I do need to tell you where to kick back and imbibe on a cocktail that will (hopefully) help you forget your winter time blues.

It’s called – bourbon (a lot of bourbon). Which is why this week I’m recommending a very special and winterized bourbon cocktail – complete with apple cider. Here’s where to find one around town and how to make it yourself at home.

Buy It:

If you’re looking to shake up your usual nightly routine, then we recommend heading to the trendy restaurant and bar, Beat Hotel, located in Harvard Square. There, you will find the “American Breed” – a cocktail with Maker’s Mark Bourbon, St. Elder Elderflower liqueur, fresh apple cider and simple syrup. This bourbon cider concoction is certainly one of the tastiest ways to enjoy the frigid cold temps outside.

Make It:

And if the cold weather is deterring you from a trip across the river, then you can make the American Breed cocktail right at home. We got the recipe from the Beat Hotel bar, themselves. Cheers!

American Breed


1 1/2 oz Maker’s Mark

1 oz St Elder Elderflower liqueur

3 oz Fresh apple cider

splash simple Syrup


Build over ice in old fashioned glass. Shake and serve.