Over the last few years, cats have somehow managed to become the butt of all Meme jokes. As for cat owners in Boston – well, they’ve certainly received a lot of grief for their cat loving ways. The countless cat jokes and stereotypes of “cat lady,” continually mock their pet preference.

But, as the Huffington Post revealed this week, it seems there might be something to those cat complaints. Because apparently, cats aren’t very nice. A recent study from the Animal Cognition Journal reveals that your cute and cuddly cat is actually ignoring you. And if he’s not ignoring you, he’s owning you. Here’s why:

Most cats can distinguish between their owner’s voice and other voices around them. But only 10 percent “actually responded to the call, by meowing or moving their tails,” according to the Huffington Post. In other words – your cat knows who you are and is flat out ignoring you.

And to make matters worse, that cat wants no part in your petting. Researchers found that petting can actually stress them out. The researcher, Daniel Mills, found that “cats who live in a home with other cats are less stressed because it’s easier for them to avoid being petted by owner,” as reported in the Huffington Post. Yep, you’ve been rejected by a cat.

And finally, just because Fluffy rubs his cute little head against your body doesn’t (I repeat: doesn’t) means he loves you. The Huffington Post revealed that cats rub objects only to mark them with their scent. And by putting his scent on you, he’s telling you that he owns you.

But now that you know, just don’t let that cat own you.