This morning from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Mayor Marty Walsh hosted a Twitter chat. Questions ranged from affordable housing, Boston Public school budget cuts to increasing bike lanes. But younger Twitter users asked about keeping the clubs and the MBTA open later amongst other nightlife-related items. Although Marty Walsh didn’t answer all of the questions, he replied to serious queries with simple ‘yes we will work on that problem’ or blunt ‘no’ answers.

His more interesting responses came from personal questions. Rick Canale asked Mayor Walsh if he sends flowers on Valentine’s Day. Walsh replied saying he does and usually orders from Colleens or Lopez in order to support local business.

He continued to answer personal questions such as what his favorite order is from McKenna’s breakfast menu: Breakfast sandwich sausage egg no cheese on bulkie. As well, Walsh answered strongly to supporting the Boston Strong slogan as not being overused.

He never replied to what his favorite donut or food truck is in Boston but he responded to his favorite cookie: double stuffed Oreo.

Walsh also replied to Hilary Sargent about plans on making City Hall a better looking place, which is something every Bostonian hopes to be true.

Here are some of the interesting tweets that Bostonians asked the Mayor along with some pictures of the Mayor concentrating hard behind his computer screen: