Yesterday, The Bath Half Marathon, a race in the UK, tweeted an image (now removed) of The Bath magazine’s February issue cover photo – a picture of running shoes in the shape of a heart surrounding the text of the title.

The picture spread, and the feedback was not good. The Bath seemed to have blatantly ripped the image from the now-iconic Boston magazine cover photo that was printed in the aftermath of the 2013 Boston Marathon and helped raise $125,000 for the One Fund.

Backlash unfurled in response to the UK magazine’s cover, and the magazine tweeted apologies in return. People were angry – including those at Boston magazine – in Boston and beyond, and Boston mag responded, kindly asking that the publication make a donation to the One Fund as well, since they “liked their cover so much.”

Now, a day after the initial release of the imitating image and following The Bath publisher Steve Miklos’s apology, issued on the magazine’s website and promising to make such a donation to the marathon relief, the publication has taken a step further, tweeting the following today:

More tweeted back in response, some calling it out as the right, appropriate move, others saying not to bother and to simply donate the reprinting costs as well.

As of now, The Bath‘s website doesn’t seem to be operating.