Ah, Super Bowl Sunday.

Time to get tipsy, kick back and watch plenty of football, ads and puppies (obviously). And if we had to guess – you’ll also be downing plenty of libations (and snacks) this coming game day.

But since the Super Bowl does happen to be on a lazy Sunday, there’s only one cocktail that fits the bill. And that’s the always popular Bloody Mary. Truly a staple Sunday classic, this tomato-based cocktail favorite tastes just as great later in the day (trust me) as it does on a hungover morning.

Some version of the Bloody Mary cocktail can be found in practically every brunch-serving restaurant and bar across the Hub. But if you want to make it yourself – and make it good – you’ll need a few key ingredients.

Here’s a Bloody Mary recipe made with Super Bowl champion, Matt Light’s, KEEL Vodka. Need I say more?

Let us know how it turned it out for you!

Sunday, Bloody, Sunday

Ingredients and Directions

KEEL Vodka on the rocks (1.5 ounces or more, if you prefer!)

Tossed with fresh tomato juice

Splash of lemon and lime juice

Pinch of horseradish Worcestershire sauce and tabasco

Sprinkle with black pepper

Garnish with celery

Tada! Enjoy your Super Bowl Sunday, folks.