Boston and surrounding New England communities have already endured Winter Storm Hercules, Winter Storm Janus and, of course, the notoriously frigid Polar Vortex. But with Winter Storm Nika baring down on Boston, dumping anywhere between eight to 12 inches of snow on The Hub, it’s important for you to realize that keeping you warm is actually lawful for landlords and employers in Massachusetts.

According to Massachusetts General Law, the owner of a residential building containing a “habitable room and every room containing a toilet shower, or bathtub” is required to provide heat of at least  68°F (20° C) between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., as well as at least 64°F (17° C) between 11:01 p.m. and 6:59p.m. every day between September 16 through June 14. Further, temps aren’t allowed to exceed 78°F (25° C) during this season.

So if you’re snowed in due to Winter Storm Nika and there’s ice forming on your window and you don’t even have to keep your beers in the fridge for them to stay frosty, hit up your landlord ASAP and tell him/her what’s up.

The same goes for if you had to drag yourself through the snowbanks and dodge plows like you’re playing Frogger. Massachusetts law continues further to note that “every factory, workshop, manufacturing, mechanical and mercantile establishment, railroad freight house, railway express terminal, public garages and premises used by express, trucking and transportation companies and any other building in which a person is employed” must be properly heated from October 15 through May 15.

Temperatures must be set according to the following criteria:

So there you have it, Boston. If you’re bundled up under blankets and snuggies, sipping hot toddies while icicles emerge from your leaky faucet, get in touch with your landlord or boss. But keep on sipping the hot toddy, that’s perfectly acceptable.

Stay tuned to BostInno for the latest snow updates and weather coverage regarding Winter Storm Nika as we’ll be sure to keep you updated as information continues to roll in.