If you don’t believe us, just check out this Craigslist posting (warning: your lifestyle won’t be as extravagant as above).

One Boston couple is apparently looking for a personal assistant and housekeeper to care for their townhouse and yacht located on the waterfront in Charlestown Navy Yard. And the hired help (girls only) can even choose a “combination of pay plus Room & Board, with no meals,” on their “Bed & Breakfast yacht,” as described in the posting.

Too good to be true? Perhaps. Especially given that the posting also notes that the “schedule is entirely flexible and negotiable.”

On top of this completely “flexible and negotiable” schedule (pretty sweet digs), the job also entails “responsibility for the development of the new Smart Tanning Technology.” Yes, as a yacht-hopping protege, the worker will also receive “free tanning.”

Hey – whatever floats your boat (am I right?)

The couple goes on to explain:

“This girl will be seen to represent the family and business so she must have a clean and neat appearance, feminine fashion style, be energetic, organized, dependable and responsible. Must speak some English. Basic cooking a plus! Must like Modern Family and Colbert, lol.”

However, we should warn you that given yesterday’s incident (a 49-foot boat sunk in Charlestown’s Constitution Marina), you may want to inquire about the life jackets.

Please use your discretion if you choose to apply for this position (which sounds bonkers). After all, you certainly wouldn’t want to work for a sinking ship (get it?).

Images via Craigslist Posting and Belgiandandy blogspot