For aspiring U.S. Marines, boot camp is a must, where they will undergo a strict disciplinary regime and face various mental and physical challenges designed to strengthen them and turn them into full-fledged U.S. Marines. Well, where should aspiring rock-star sales managers go then?

To Sales Management Bootcamp, of course!

Hosted by Derby Management and its President Jack Derby, the Sales Management Bootcamp will be held at the beginning of April at the MIT Endicott House. Here, sales management attendees will undergo a rigorous program that includes best practices for handling Sales & Marketing 2.0 strategies, hands-on exercises and a highly interactive Harvard Business School case study.

Additionally, the bootcamp will be presided over by executives from HubSpot (CMO Mike Volpe), Salesforce, Brainshark (President Greg Flynn) and Jack Derby and his team of sales experts. Finally, InsightSquared’s own Zorian Rotenberg will be holding court in a session on “Top Sales Metrics Sales VPs use to Double Sales.”

“The vast majority of sales managers grew up in a Sales 1.0, relationship-selling role, but they are ill-equipped for this Sales 2.0 world,” said Jack Derby. “They’ve heard about it, they’ve read general blogs, but they don’t KNOW it. The program is focused on shaking them up and then getting them tactically involved.”

Some of the topics that will be covered at the Sales Management Bootcamp include:

The Challenges of Selling in the Real World of Sales Today

  • Buyers are MUCH smarter – 70% of the sales cycle is done before talking to the rep. So what should sales reps do?

  • Poor visibility – CRM systems are not being utilized effectively, resulting in missed forecasts and poor prioritization of opportunities.

  • Most selling content is inefficient and ineffective – where is the Customer Value focus?

Common Sales Enablement Tools between Sales and Marketing

  • Selling tools

    • Checklists

    • Slide Decks

    • Case Studies, Business use cases

    • Testimonials and references

    • ROI Models

  • Recruiting, hiring and retaining methods

  • Products and Skills training best practices

So how can you use these common tools better than your competition?

The Challenges of Worthless Sales Content

  • Disjointed, inconsistent, produced in silos

  • Sales wastes time creating their own

  • Format is not useful to real salespeople

What can we do to improve our overall sales content?

Jack’s Law of 3000

The number of hours in a year = 3,120


Standard Non-utilizable time + vacation days + company holidays + personal/sick days


How much available time to sell?? Come to the bootcamp for the answer, as well as an explicit breakdown of the formula.


This is just a small teaser of the wealth of sales management knowledge and expert information that will be taught and revealed to sales managers who attend. So, what are you waiting for? Book your spot, now!