So, newsflash: our parents have no real idea what “craft” beer actually is. And if you’ve ever had to explain that no, “craft” isn’t a brand of beer to your parents – you may not be alone.

Nearly half of all Millennials and Gen X folks have a good understanding of craft beer, while the majority of our Baby Boomer counterparts have none. But I guess we can’t blame them since they didn’t exactly grow up drinking craft beer – or taking part in the emergence of craft breweries (found everywhere now).

This infographic posted on Wirtz Craft Beer reveals the typical craft beer consumer: Millennials (ages 18 – 32) and Gen X (ages 33 – 48). While Baby Boomers (ages 50 – 68) and the Greatest Generation aren’t so keen on (or aware of) “craft” beer. Take a look below.

[h/t Wirtz Craft Beer]