Boston Mayor Marty Walsh will be in Washington D.C. on Monday and Tuesday to discuss a number of issues that pertain to both the federal and municipal governments. The mayor will meet with several key Senators and Congresspeople throughout the duration of his time in the nation’s capital in hopes of outlining ways to achieve more advantageous legislation.

Among the members of the Massachusetts delegation who are slated to join Mayor Walsh are Senators Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren; Congressman Michael Capuano; as well as Gina McCarthy, Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency; Secretary Jeh Johnson, U.S. Department of Homeland Security; and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

“In addition to these meetings,” the mayor’s press office told BostInno, “Mayor Walsh will also address the 2014 Building and Construction Trades Department’s National Legislative Conference.”

The mayor already met with Secretary Johnson Monday morning, tweeting out that the discussion they parlayed related to homeland security-related grants and security preparations for the 2014 Boston Marathon, was an overall success.

In similar respect, the Boston Athletic Association will announce Monday afternoon further fortification steps to keep the 2014 Marathon as safe as possible, with the help of members of the local, state and federal government levels.

He’ll also spend much of his time with Senators Markey and Warren, Congressman Capuano and Congresswoman Pelosi talking about gun violence and the immediate need to enact some kind of preventative measures.

Recently, Senator Markey proved successful in his attempt to sway President Obama to include a $10 million allotment in the FY 2015 budget proposal dedicated solely to gun violence research efforts.

Boston is a city with one of the highest levels of economic disparity in the entire country, which can oftentimes manifest itself in street-level violence. Since taking office, the mayor has taken several steps to improving Boston’s neighborhoods and to curtail the number of community deaths that have have risen since he was sworn into office in early January.

Mayor Walsh has since joined the countrywide coalition Mayors Against Illegal Guns and tapped two public safety savants to spearhead a fundamental campaign aimed at identifying root causes of violence. Today, he’s meeting in D.C. to better comprehend the gravity of the situation.

He’ll also be talking about climate change and preparedness tips to safeguard Boston should another storm like Hurricane Sandy thrash the entire east coast. In January, Governor Deval Patrick alongside Mayor Walsh announced a $50 million investment into climate change research and defenses in the instance that Boston is subjected to a major natural disaster the way New York City was.

Much of those talks will be with EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, which bodes well for their tęte-ŕ-tęte. As noted Mayor Walsh’s press office, “Gina McCarthy happens to be a Dorchester native.”

Stay tuned to BostInno for the latest information on Mayor Walsh’s trip to Washington D.C. We’ll be sure to keep you updated as more details from the Capitol continue to roll in.