State Treasurer and Democratic candidate for governor Steve Grossman announcds his “Compassionate, Common-Sense Behavioral Health Care” plan in a Monday night speech in front of Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery, as well as a Tuesday afternoon speech in front of the Association for Behavioral Healthcare. His plan calls for designing a behavioral health care plan that will bring urgent care and resources to the most vulnerable residents.

“Mental illness and addiction are public health issues that impact Massachusetts families in every region of the state and across every income level,” said Grossman in his release. “Government has a critical role to play in providing our most vulnerable residents with the care and treatment they need to get better.”

Grossman’s major points include investing in providers and community healthcare, providing communities and schools with prevention resources, reforming the criminal justice system and treating the epidemic of addiction in Massachusetts by investing in treatment programs and developing a regional task force co-chaired by New England and New York’s governors.

In his platform, Grossman plans on accelerating implementation of Chapter 257, which reimburses human service providers and implementing Chapter 224 that shifts care from acute care teaching hospitals into statewide community hospitals and community health centers.

Grossman also plans on investing $10 million to new comprehensive grant program “Massachusetts Healthy Living” that will provide local communities with the resources they need to increase prevention, awareness and training.

The treasurer announced his plan the same day as democratic candidate Martha Coakley and after democratic candidate Joe Avellone released their comprehensive platforms to combat mental health and substance abuse.

Grossman spoke in front of ABH Meeting today at 1:15p.m. at the Beechwood Hotel in Worcester.

You can read his full plan online here.

(image via Boston Herald)