Sunday’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade in South Boston is going to be a boozefest. Everyone knows that.  People will help themselves to seconds, thirds and fourths of kegs and eggs breakfasts, before making their way to an ideal viewing spot along the parade route. It’s an open secret that people won’t keep their drinking inside the confines of a bar or residence. And we can’t stop that. But we will remind you: Please, be freakin’ smart about whatever it is you’re planning on doing tomorrow.

The Boston Police Department is going to be out in full force, tomorrow. As a reminder, more than 330 people were cited for drinking in public and 26 were arrested for disorderly conduct during last year’s parade. Those numbers were up considerably from 2012. So remember: The St. Patrick’s Day Parade isn’t nearly as fun when you get busted being stupid and subsequently thrown behind bars.

To make sure that everyone has as much fun as possible tomorrow, respectfully and responsibly, here’s a list of don’t do’s.

Don’t Drink In Public:

As stated above, BostInno knows we can’t prevent anyone from doing this. But it is prohibited. If you’re clearly drinking from a flask, a cop will likely spot you. If you’re bold enough to walk casually down the street with an open Guinness, you’ll probably be busted. Rather than try to be discreet about public sipping, just drink at a bar, your place, or a buddy’s place.

Act Like You’ve Been There Before:

Assuming the St. Patrick’s Day Parade isn’t the first time you’ve had a beer or taken a shot of whiskey, tomorrow shouldn’t be the time you decide to loose complete control. People throwing up all over the place, trying to start shit with others, or just generally acting obnoxious are going to get busted by the police. At the very least, acting like an idiot could ruin the afternoon for one of the hundreds of families that will be in attendance.

Don’t Even Think About Driving Under the Influence:

Listen, this probably goes without saying. But drunk driving is dangerous and ridiculously stupid. Yes, the MBTA will probably be awful to deal with. But there are a host of other options that can get you where you need to go. If you need more incentive, here’s a list of all the places you CAN’T park. So, again, just keep the car in the driveway or in your spot for the day.


Creative Commons image via Flickr/john and carolina