What beer would you guess is America’s most beloved brew? Despite Guinness’ popularity on St. Patrick’s Day, it seems our nation’s heart lies with Sam Adams. Business Insider reported today that according to YouGov BrandIndex, Sam Adams beat out Budweiser for top beer brand of 2014.

The BrandIndex tracked 5,500 adults’ positive and negative perceptions of specific beer brands, Business Insider explains. The article points out a few notable differences from last year. Apparently, “Bud Light, Dos Equis, and Heineken rose in the rankings, while Corona and Stella Artois went down.”

Could Sam Adams’ positive brand perception have anything to do with the beer brand’s refusal to sponsor Southie’s annual St. Patrick’s Day parade? Possibly – but regardless, many seem to support the company’s decision to drop their sponsorship after the parade declined to let LGBT organizations participate in the parade.

But whatever the reason – it looks like Boston’s beloved Sam Adams is doing something right. Check out the top beer brands rankings below – and let us know what you think in the comments below.


1. Sam Adams
2. Budweiser
3. Bud Light
4. Dos Equis
5. Heineken
6. Corona
7. Guinness
8. Yuengling
9. Stella Artois
10. Miller Lite