It’s no secret that Boston’s traffic is just God-awful. With almost every single ranking of worst city traffic nationwide, it seems, Boston never fails to make an appearance. And while The Hub has already taken steps to alleviate bumper-to-bumper congestion, a new innovation out of France could help even more. Only, it likely won’t do much to temper that boiling road rage of yours.

Dubbed the Traffic Booster, the piece of technology which sits unsuspecting on lampposts traffic light poles blares the sound of a car horn as soon as the light turns from red to green. The idea, of course, is to keep you from holding up the traffic as you, for example, attempt to finish that last second text before you have to lawfully put the phone down.

Check out the video below, showing the Traffic Booster working its magic. How well it actually works is still questionable. It seems that people are more intrigued with trying to locate the ass who takes it upon themselves to beep their horn so quickly, barely allowing for time to switch from the brake to the gas, than they are with moving forward.

As The Atlantic Cities writes, “You got to be frickin’ kidding me.”

What do you think, Boston? Will this expedite traffic? Or will it simply add another unwanted layer to Boston’s already furious road rage? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

 h/t The Atlantic Cities