Congratulations, MBTA and to you as well, Bostonians. The inaugural late-night T and bus service kicked off over the weekend without a hitch. To the utter surprise of, well, probably everyone, nobody was arrested. One person even went as far to use the new pilot program as an opportunity for creating art. Sounds like a successful start to me. Joke’s on you, haters.

In today’s digital world where so much news and opinions are formed and digested using social media platforms, triumphs like the MBTA’s can also be measured by monitoring network data. Analysis company Crimson Hexagon took a look at Twitter to see how well the MBTA fared in the 140-character arena.

Turns out, chatter regarding the late night service was generally favorable. Sure, it makes sense seeing as how the MBTA didn’t drop the ball for once. But when it comes to the MBTA, social media doesn’t always cast public transportation in the most radiant of lights.

Consider these two aspects: People love to hate on public transit and social media affords users a veil of anonymity. In this respect, it’s no holds barred when it comes to the MBTA.

Not this time, though. Tweets were in excess, topics of discussion were various, sentiments were generally favorable and retweets abundant.

Don’t believe me?