“A Day in the Life” is a series where we’ll profile a variety of residents to get an intimate glimpse into their day-to-day. These are your neighbors. Get to know them.

“I love that what we are doing can help people become healthier and happier. We’re really trying to make a difference in the world…” – Ed Likovich

GoodLux Technology CEO Ed Likovich is helping people live healthier and happier lives right here in the Boston area. How so? The Cambridge-based startup’s SunSprite wearable tech is helping people combat the winter blues with its sun-sensing technology.

The solar-powered device, successfully crowdfunded through an Indiegogo campaign, allows users to keep track of their sun exposure. The company’s has also built an accompanying app which alerts users if they’ve been over-exposed to sunlight – before they start to burn. Considering my own susceptibility to sunburn, this is certainly an app that I can get behind.

SunSprite’s chief executive Likovich, who also happens to hold a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Harvard, tells BostInno how he spends his time on a daily (very busy) basis.

How do you spend most mornings?

There’s no “set” schedule, but usually the mornings involve some combination of organizing and planning for the day, responding to emails, and taking calls from possible retailers or partners.

What are the top priorities on your to-do list right now?

Two major ones: We’re trying to learn as much about our customers as possible since we launched on Indiegogo. And we’re getting ready for another fundraising round, so there’s a lot of budgeting and strategic planning going on.

What do you love most about working at SunSprite?

I love that what we are doing can help people become healthier and happier. We’re really trying to make a difference in the world in a way that’s simple and accessible to many.

What is the worst part and the best part about your typical day?

The best part is working with a great team and solving real-world problems. The worst part is email – there’s so much, and I prefer dealing with people in person.

If you could impart one piece of advice to our readers, what would it be?

I’m not sure I’m in a position to give advice to your readers – my guess is that I could learn a lot from them! But if you pushed me, I’d say there’s no substitute for a lot of hard work and a little bit of luck.

What’s one TV show you can’t live without right now?

Castle – Nathan Fillion is just too funny.

What would you do if you were suddenly granted a day off from work tomorrow?

Spend it with my wife preparing for our daughter who is coming in June!

If you weren’t answering my questions, what would you be doing instead?

Finishing an interview script for our early-adopters.

Watch CEO Ed Likovitch talk about SunSprite in the video below!