What are people searching for on Google? A lot of “crazy sh*t,” according to Search Factory.

The company collected data on the worldwide average monthly search volumes for random search queries. And things got a little weird (to put it lightly). While we’d rather not know everything that gets “Googled,” we’re admittedly a bit curious.

Although we definitely don’t want to know who typed in “How to hide a dead body.” No thanks.

Some of the results included pretty normal (albeit funny) searches such as “Is Santa Real?” and “How do I use Google?”. While others were downright sad, like “How to make my cat love me?”. Side note: when I searched this, the result was a 20 step guide to making your cat love you. My advice is to just buy another one.

Check out the chart (below) to see the other bizarre Google searches that happen in the world.

[h/t DesignTaxi]

Image via Daily Infographic