Two things: 1) Despite at least one championship in each of the four major sports leagues, Boston is a baseball city. 2) Former Mayor of Boston Tom Menino uses a 29-inch Louisville Slugger as his cane. Combine these two aspects, and you’ve got the new, albeit, cheesy commercial from Jordan’s Furniture.

The Jordan’s deal is that if the Red Sox win the World Series again this year, any purchase from the local furniture retailer is free. But that doesn’t matter. Because anyone who watches the above clip is mesmerized with watching Mayor Menino pretend to read baseball signs, call his shot as ŕ la The Babe, take a couple practice cuts with his bat/cane and send a moon shot over the Green Monster.

Though the longest serving mayor in Boston’s deep-seeded history is battling cancer, he’s still making plenty of public appearances (for which he’s always been affectionately renowned) and holds office hours over at Boston University. Though Jordan’s Furniture admittedly makes some questionable commercials when it comes to quality, it’s just as known to Bostonians as the man who ran City Hall for 20 years.

Keep sluggin’, Mr. Mayor.

Featured image via Suzanne Kreiter/Globe Staff