I gotta hand it to em – the Huffington Post finally got something right this time. When their recent article set out to list the most confusing yet perfect cities “on earth” for getting lost, they hit the nail on the head. Our own beautiful yet “confusing” city of Boston landed at the top of list – and rightly so.

Let’s face it – as much as we love the Hub, it’s all too easy to get completely turned around while meandering through the winding streets of Boston neighborhoods.

The Huffington Post claims “Boston’s layout harkens back to America’s early days, making it incredibly charming and completely mind-boggling.” Considering the fact that I still get lost in Beacon Hill (all those hills!), I’d say they’re pretty accurate.

Even after living and working in the area for two years now, I can honestly say that the twists and turns of the Financial District and Downtown Crossing still confuse the hell out of me. And (I must confess) that when I recently accompanied an out-of-town friend on a duck tour, I had no idea where I really was half the time. Oops!

But don’t even get me started on Cambridge (we just won’t go there).

I guess the Huffington Post was right. Boston’s “winding streets aren’t gridded in any particular fashion, confusing pedestrians and drivers alike.” Even those that live, work and play here on a daily basis. But at least getting perfectly “lost” in Boston keeps things interesting (and your smart phone GPS useful).