Finally we have been given the weather New England has been asking for this past weekend. The heat waves have begun, and the air conditioning is starting to crank. There seems to be a myth that simply turning on the AC will result in cooling down during the summer, but being energy efficient requires a little more work and knowledge than that. If you’re slightly skeptical, don’t worry, there are some easy tricks of the trade that will help residents and building operators cut electricity consumption while still remaining cool and saving money.

In an office building, rather than a residential facility, it is important to have everyone on the same page about AC usage. Opening one window while the AC is doing its job might not seem like a big deal, but opening one window without knowing many other windows are open at the same time can lead to problems. Regardless of the building  size, having windows open while the AC is running can lead to the building cooling system working twice as hard while yielding reduced cooling benefits and increased energy consumption. Making it known that the AC is on and window opening should be prohibited will provide efficiency regarding energy and cost. When it comes to residential buildings, energy audits can be helpful tools for building managers, who are able pinpoint inefficiencies throughout living spaces and can then educate and communicate with tenants to emphasize energy consciousness and avoid unnecessary energy consumption and costs.

Even if the building operators use sophisticated and innovative building control systems to heat, cool, and stabilize interior temperatures, it is still critical to mind usually overlooked details. If systems are integrated and communicate properly, then the operators will gain efficiency and monetary benefits. This method will produce results that will keep cost down and keep occupants happy and cool.

When attempting to be more energy efficient, all employees, residents, and occupants need to be on board and understand what it means. As easy as it is to open a window while the AC is running, the same goes for raising the expense of electricity costs. Building operators should make an effort to communicate with the employees regarding energy related to cooling and heating. Expensive consequences will arise when a building is using the heating and cooling equipment simultaneously. These easy fixes will contribute to a building’s efficiency and a more knowledgeable staff, because after all, we did ask for this heat during the summer.